IDC was established to spearhead the development of Zambia’s domestic industrial capacity, and in so doing, play a major role in creating jobs.

``Another measure to empower our citizens is to enable them to own shares in some of the state-owned companies in the country. The Industrial Development Corporation will be an important tool in achieving this goal. All state-owned enterprises must ultimately list on the Lusaka Stock Exchange within the next five to ten years so that we create opportunities for citizens to own these companies.``

Our Strategic Focus

To be the cornerstone of Zambia’s economic stability and growth as a Wealth Fund that actively drives industrialization, rural development, and maximizes long-term shareholder value

Our Strategic objectives are:

Objective 1.

To achieve 15% growth in Group revenue year-on-year through enhanced Group oversight and support.

Objective 2

To create 35,000 jobs direct and indirect jobs through investment in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, energy, and tourism ventures (The current sentence is missing one priority sector which is mining)

Objective 3

To attain 50% contribution of non-dividend revenues to total revenues and raise adequate capital to support the Corporation’s transformation program and investments.

Objective 4

To ensure operational efficiency through retention of right talent and automation of business process.

Objective 5

To derive value from strategic partnerships through co-investments and enhanced relationships.

Our Industry Sectors